I've been involved in the Salesforce ecosystem for almost two decades, and am constantly amazed at the level of innovation and growth circulating through this ecosystem. When I joined Appirio (one of Salesforce's first services partners) as its first marketing hire, cloud wasn't even a term. Salesforce was still that annoying vendor with a blow up mascot standing outside Oracle World with a no-software sign. Today, Salesforce is a $31B company and according to them, the fastest growing enterprise software company ever.
When I left Appirio to start my own marketing consultancy, not surprisingly, many of my initial clients were people and companies in the Salesforce space. One of those early clients was 10K, which was building the first on-demand platform to connect Salesforce customers with independent Salesforce experts. This year, 10K released its third annual report on the Salesforce talent ecosystem, and once again the demand for Salesforce experts is off the charts. Unfortunately, the supply is not keeping up.
In this piece on Tercera's blog, I write about the ecosystem, the 10K talent report and what it means for current and potential founders looking to get into the space.